what villain are you? see what villain you are in games (and 1 show) most like! want to put suggestions for my next quiz? just say them in the description! theepicfnaffan published on May 21, 2015 Stacked 1/5 you need to defeat someone what do you do and how do you do it I rush him and make sure he cant escape easy FIRE (and my little buddy) robots (almost none of them work though) jumpscares 2/5 how do you relax? discuss how to take over the world I don't I build robots eat pizza again BREATH FIRE 3/5 MEEP AGH (breaths fire) me: WHY DID YOU DO THAT you: NO MEEPS ALLOWED ummmmmm meep? HA HA meep to you to! wha wha............................. WHAT 4/5 sooooo whats your favorite color? brown red yellow green (duh) 5/5 final question: if you could have 3 wishes what would they be? a ability to fly able to breath underwater and the ability to change time! MORE FIRE some better skills to build robots another hoverbourd