O Richard Where Art Thou? Wondering where I am? Is my nomadic nature keeping you from finding me? This should help out. rwoodson published on May 07, 2014 Stacked 1/10 What day is it? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2/10 Is it lunch time? Yes No HELLZ YES! 3/10 How am I greeting folk? Hey, how're yuh? An inaudible "Hey" [silence] "Heyyy, mannn" What's your REAL name?! 4/10 What time is it? 8-10am 10am-12pm 12-3pm 3-5pm 5/10 Do you work in law enforcement or are currently a member of: the mafia, the Triads, any of the Californian gangs, One Direction, Sallie Mae, or the Capper family? No... Yes. 6/10 What's the weather like out there? Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow The world's ending and encased in hellfire. 7/10 How long have you been looking for me? 5-10min 10-25min 30min+ 8/10 Is it Happy Hour? I wish. You bet your tookus. Hell yeah, Intern Happy Hour! Turn down for what?! 9/10 How's my workload? The usual. Your'e kinda sweating. Haha, work? 10/10 What's your name? Chris Jezowicz Jay Gliesen Brandon Poole I'm none of those jive turkeys...