Which Inanimate Object Are You? Which inanimate object would you be? Take this quiz to find out! Remember, don't take it personally. It's just a fun little quiz. kitten_lover_7 published on June 08, 2016 Stacked 1/6 What's something that you really want to stop? Drama. Bullying. People who take advantage of me. Sadness. 2/6 What's your biggest strength? I can stand up for anyone who needs it. I'm nice to everyone no matter what. I don't get involved in any kind of drama. I'm there to comfort people who need it. 3/6 What's your biggest weakness? Not being helpful enough. Keeping others happy so much that I forget to keep myself happy. I get involved in people's business too much. I'm just trying to help though! I get too mad when someone hurts someone else. But I can't help it. It isn't right! 4/6 What's your favorite animal? Lion- they can protect themselves and others. Turtle- they don't get themselves in trouble. Bunny- they're nice to cuddle with when you're sad. Dog- they do whatever you tell them to do just to keep you happy. 5/6 Someone is being bullied. What do you do? Stand up for the victim. Walk away. I don't want to be bullied! Be there to comfort the victim afterwards. Don't do anything. I'm not getting involved in any drama. 6/6 What's the most important thing in friendship to you? Courage- to stand up for your friend. Hospitality- giving anything for your friend when they need it. Peace- don't get you or your friend into any conflict. Reliability- relying on your friends to comfort you when you need it.