Who's that Pokemon? Let these questions decipher which starter you are! Will you be a loyal Torchic? Or a sleek Treecko? Find out! TurretGLaDOSGirl published on June 19, 2014 Stacked 1/7 You have a nightmare. Which one closest resembles what would happen? You're in an ocean. You can't move your limbs, so you drift down, down, down. You try to scream but can't hear yourself. Your trainer is nowhere to be seen.... You see your trainer, turned away from you. You rush over, and he turns around. He shouts at you, "Get away from me! I hate you!" You sniffle softly as he r... You're sitting on a rock, minding your own business, when horrible creatures surround you. You up and throw the rock you were sitting on at them. They laugh... 2/7 Your trainer tells you to do something you think wouldn't be very wise in battle. What do you do? Do what YOU think would be good. Who cares if it's your trainer? Your way is better. Stick with what he says. He is the trainer. And he knows what they are doing more than you. It will turn out good. Try it. Why not? You can add minor improvements to it, but it IS what your trainer said. 3/7 Your trainer is leaving for the league today. Will you go? Eh. Your cool with whatever. If he wants you to come, beat em' up. If he doesn't, PARTY! Well . . . maybe, but you kinda wanna lay low. You'll do some battles, but mostly just cheer on your team. Yes! You go anywhere your trainer goes! You'll have fun battling, too! Why wouldn't you go? 4/7 You're starving, and your trainer has food. But when you try to get some, he tells you not to. What do you do? Eat it anyways! You're hungry! Stomach says eat, you say eat, food says eat. The only one who's saying no is your trainer! He'll get over it. Whatever. You don't want to stir something up, so just leave it. You can find food on your own. Don't eat it. If he says no, he has a reason. He'll give you food later. 5/7 Your trainer tells you to take on a foe way tougher than you. What do you do? Bring it on! No way are you backing down from a fight! If it beats you, so what? It will make you stronger. If you win, you get to suck up all the glory! No! It doesn't matter who asked, you don't want to get beaten up by someone stronger than you! For your trainer! Your trainer says to fight, try your best! He has a logical reason for everything! Besides, you'll get cuddles afterwards, no matter if yo... 6/7 Your trainer tells you to spy on someone. How well would you do? PERFECT! You know where people's blind spots are, how to camoflauge in the trees, everything! You are truly a spy master. Fairly good. You don't really spy on people, but you have a few tricks. Terrible. Who are you kidding? You don't know how to spy! You wouldn't stand a chance. But you would try your best. 7/7 Your trainer is in trouble. Quick! What do you do? Stay cool. It's probably not a threat, but just in case, go over and help. Oh my god! That's your beloved trainer! Go and help, right away! Your trainer! You suddenly get a huge burst of srength and rush over to help.