Which flower are you? (1)

Which flower are you? (1)

This quiz will tell you what type of flower fits your personality the most. Enjoy! NOTE: I'll be asking RP questions about different holidays in this quiz. If you don't celebrate them, I apologize; I don't mean to offend you. If possible, please just answer whatever you would do/say if you DID celebrate that holiday. Thanks.

published on March 02, 201617 responses 3
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On a weekend, where can you be found?

On a weekend, where can you be found?
At the library or at home
Spending a day at the mall with my best friends
Rehearsing for the school play
Relaxing at the spa or nail salon
Volunteering at an animal shelter
At a theme park, playground, or rock climbing wall
Wherever my friends are!

If you could get any pet, what would it be?

If you could get any pet, what would it be?
A cuddly kitten
A playful puppy
A fun bird
A free-spirited horse
A cute guinea pig
A cool lizard
A unique goat!

Out of these, what describes your clothing style the best?

Out of these, what describes your clothing style the best?
Loose and pretty
Soft and casual
Fun and quirky
Cute and casual
Colorful and unique
Comfy and bright
My clothing style changes every day!

Which element do you think you are? (I'm leaving out Darkness because I only have 7 personalities.)

Which element do you think you are? (I'm leaving out Darkness because I only have 7 personalities.)


It's approaching Valentine's Day, and your crush seems like they might like you. What do you do?

RP!  It's approaching Valentine's Day, and your crush seems like they might like you. What do you do?
"Crush"? What do you mean? They already know my feelings for them - I told them the first day that we met!
I blush, because my friends are teasing me about "boyfriends" and "girlfriends" and "marriage" and stuff
I make them a subtle but flirty card and slip it in their backpack when they're not looking
I create a cute and pretty Valentine, complete with candy, stickers, and a rose
I play hard-to-get - if they want me, they'll have to earn it!
I don't have time for crushes; I'm too busy with other things
I don't really have any crushes right now - that's not up my alley

Fast-forward to Easter! You're decorating eggs for the Egg Hunt. How do you design your egg?

Fast-forward to Easter! You're decorating eggs for the Egg Hunt. How do you design your egg?
I paint a cute bunny, with flowers and hearts!
I draw flowers all over it
I paint them random colors, and then put googly-eye stickers on them!
I carefully ink detailed patterns onto them
I'm carefully and specifically designing one for each member of my family
I'm painting a random design on each one
I put splashes of color all over it to make a cool design

Again, we're speeding up. This time, it's Halloween! What are you dressing up as?

Again, we're speeding up. This time, it's Halloween! What are you dressing up as?
Something classic, like a ghost
A TV, book, or movie character, like Ariel
Something funny, like a Minion
Something creative, like a candle
Something clever, like a "cereal" (serial) killer
Some sort of group costume with my friends/family, like a lion, a witch, and a wardrobe
Something scary, like a zombie

We're time-traveling forward to Than.ksgiving (Qfeast wouldn't let me say the actual word). What are you than.kful for?

We're time-traveling forward to Than.ksgiving (Qfeast wouldn't let me say the actual word). What are you than.kful for?
My family
My friends
Everything and everyone!

Okay, it's now Christmas. (Again, sorry if you don't celebrate this! Choose what you'd do if you did celebrate it.) What do you want the most?

Okay, it's now Christmas. (Again, sorry if you don't celebrate this! Choose what you'd do if you did celebrate it.) What do you want the most?
Jewelry, makeup, clothes, nail polish, or shoes
Toys or stuffed animals
Tickets to see my favorite band, live, in concert!
A sketchpad and colored pencils or paints
Books, books, and more books!
Gift certificates or money
A trip to someplace exotic and faraway

It's New Year's Eve, and you're planning to stay up until midnight. How do you celebrate?

It's New Year's Eve, and you're planning to stay up until midnight. How do you celebrate?
I don't stay up - I go to sleep, and my parents wake me up at midnight
I have a sleepover with my friends, and we all stay up, and then have cookies and soda when it becomes the New
By watching the event on TV, and then screaming with my friends when the ball drops
I'm on a group Skype call with my friends, and when it is time, we all pop our confetti poppers
I stay up with my family, and we all dance together when it's time
I celebrate by having an awesome-tastic dance party with my friends and family, complete with soda, ice cream,
mini-cupcakes, and candy!
I'm actually at the ball drop in person to see it happen!