Relationship Check: Healthy or Toxic? Discover if your relationship is healthy or toxic. Take this quiz to find out! rihanna80 published on January 30, 2024 Stacked 1/11 How often do you communicate with your partner? We communicate but it often leads to arguments. We talk openly and regularly. We hardly ever talk or share emotions. 2/11 How do you feel after spending time together? Happy, fulfilled, and loved. Confused, unsure, or anxious. Exhausted, drained, or emotionally empty. 3/11 Are you able to set healthy boundaries with your partner? No, they constantly push my boundaries. It's difficult to establish and maintain boundaries. Yes, we respect each other's boundaries. 4/11 Does your partner routinely criticize or belittle you? No, they support and uplift me. Yes, I often feel attacked or diminished. Sometimes, their words can be hurtful. 5/11 How do you resolve conflicts within your relationship? We avoid conflicts or sweep them under the rug. We argue frequently without finding resolutions. We discuss calmly and find compromises. 6/11 Are you comfortable sharing your needs and desires? No, I fear judgment or rejection. I struggle to express myself honestly. Yes, my partner listens and respects them. 7/11 How often do you feel supported by your partner? Consistently, they are my greatest cheerleader. Rarely, they don't seem interested in my success. Sometimes, depending on their mood. 8/11 Do you feel safe and physically secure with your partner? It varies, I can never predict their reactions. Absolutely, I trust them completely. Not always, I feel uneasy or afraid at times. 9/11 Is your partner supportive of your personal growth and goals? Yes, they encourage and motivate me to thrive. They are indifferent or impose their own expectations. No, they discourage or undermine my ambitions. 10/11 How do you feel about yourself when you're with your partner? Uncertain, dependent, or emotionally unstable. Insecure, anxious, or unworthy. Confident, loved, and valued. 11/11 Overall, how satisfied are you with your relationship? Unsatisfied, it mostly causes me pain or distress. It's a mix of both happiness and dissatisfaction. Very satisfied, it brings me joy and fulfillment.