Are you gay (1) This test is not guaranteed accurate, i just made this quiz for fun, Warning: this test may contain inappropriate material CODENAME6284 published on June 03, 2014 Stacked 1/11 do you know what Yaoi means? yes no 2/11 if you wanted to what would you work out for? i want to look handsome to impress girls i want to look handsome to impress boys i want to look handsome for no apparent reason i want to train for something NA 3/11 do you know what Yuri means? yes no 4/11 what part of a woman do you find most arousing Breasts (Covered) Breasts Vagina do not like any part of a woman Do not know (This will not effect your final score) 5/11 what type of underwear would you prefer to wear Briefs Boxers Specifically Tight Boxers None Do not know (This will not effect your final score) 6/11 if you had 1 wish in life, what would it be? Marry a beautiful woman have true love with another male be single NA 7/11 What part of a male arouses you most? Nipples Chest Abs Biceps Ass Hole Penis Penis (Bone er) balls males do not arouse me NA - Will not effect final score 8/11 if you had a wish, which of these wishes would you want to come true? get kidnapped by gay rapists raping you against your will live on a beach island with lots of woman have sex with a woman NA 9/11 Final questionIf you could look like whatever you want, what would you look like a lightly tanned blond handsome 15 year old with sexy abs and biceps deeply tanned 15 year old, strong and muscular a pale thin and black haired, not very strong NA 10/11 what is playboy? a gay magazine a porno graphy magazine a website about porn dont know 11/11 if you could obtain one of these items which one would you obtain a male slave suit/ bon dage suit 2 male slave suits/Bon dage suit Female Slave suit 1 male and 1 female slave suit a full gay kit full of gay toys and things NA