Would i smash take this quiz to find out if i would smash you (extremely hard)(pun not intended) ihavefatnuts published on February 17, 2021 Stacked 1/10 what is your name not lisa lisa 2/10 how fat are ur nuts 1 2 3 3/10 which of the boys r u Messy Mike Filthy Kevin Sloppy Joe Dirty Andy 4/10 do u like bears yes i love them :) yeaaaaaa no im stupid 5/10 pick music to smash to Chill (LoFi, R&B, etc.) USSR National Anthem - 10 hours Sea shanties/pirate music (if you pick this answer please seek help) Anything else 6/10 choose 7/10 Idea of a good time? snowboarding gaming reading i do meth. skateboarding/longboarding watching a movie/tv show 8/10 have you ever had homosexual intercourse with daniel yes no 9/10 Pick a flavor 10/10 would you smash me :) no *kisses you on the mouth*