What warrior cat phase are you in? <three questions> See what phase of warrior cat you are! This is the best quiz you could imagine! Randomaniac32 published on October 18, 2015 Stacked 1/5 What's your personality Sleepy alot Playful Happy but serious Is never agitated Loyal and proud The serious one out of all the clan Willy 2/5 Did you lìke this quiz? ... Totally! I quess Or course darling! No...must...serve! Do I have to answer? I'm busy! Why youngster of course! 3/5 Please leave a like and commeÅ„t! ... Okay! I'm to old for this I'm glad to! MUST....SERVE Once again...busy Youngster I will I promise! 4/5 What do you want to be?<pick last to not count> Kit Apprentice Warrior Queen Deputy Leader Elder None 5/5 Where do you like to rest In a shady places In kinda shaded places...like a bramble bush You stay up late to serve your clan You have to stay in shady places with the young You sleep in a cozy place ready to replace the king if needed In a fairly large place by yourself to get plenty of sleep for the moons In a large place where all of you have plenty of room