What dog breed are you? (5) I know there are lots of quizzes like this im just hoping mine will stand out Froststar_Leader_Of_Thunderclan published on August 09, 2014 Stacked 1/8 Would you rather be a black pug? or a tan pug? Tan Black Both :D I wouldn't be a Pug I would be my own color (Me: You cant be your own color) D: 2/8 You see a cat... Chase after it, show it im boss Chase after it, play with it Leave it alone, take a nap Leave it alone, ill deal with it later Defend my ground, you will never take over my place 3/8 Element of harmony? Loyalty Honesty Laughter Kindness Generosity Magic 4/8 How Tall are you compared to the people in your class? The Tallest in the class Pretty tall, but not the tallest Average Pretty small, but not the smallest The Smallest in the class 5/8 Where would you go for vacation? England, UK Beijing, China Paris, France Rome, Italy Washington D.C, USA 6/8 Favorite dog bread? Pug Golden Retriever German Shepard Beagle Chihuahua 7/8 What color would be your pelt? Gold Brown and Black Brown, Black, and White Tan or Black IDK?! 8/8 OH NO! A lost dog! I MUST HELP! I will guide it back home but that's it I will show it a nice place to find food then take it home im kind of in the middle of something right now... Well I guess I will help I have nothing better to do...