Would You Be My Friend? (10) I know there are a ton of these, but hey, would you be my friend? Hope everyone likes it! victoriahorranso published on July 17, 2015 Stacked 1/5 What quality do you look for in a friend? Good Looks, Super Flirtatious, Risk Taker Intelligence, Caring Nature, Humor 2/5 Do you like the beach? The beach is definitely not my go-to-place. I mean, there's grainy sand and high, overpowering waves. Just..no. I LOVE the beach! 3/5 Are you a romantic? Not at all. Of course I am! Who doesn't love giving significant others roses and cards?! 4/5 How do you react to hot guys? He's pretty cute, but I'm not going to just start flirting with him. We need to be friends first. OHMIGOD, HE'S SO FREAKING YUMMY!!/ EWW, BOYS ARE DISGUSTING. 5/5 Do you like animals? Of course!/I've never had a pet or anything, but animals are pretty cool. UGH! NO. WAY.