Which Car Suits You? Are you a laid back person?, Energetic person?, or even a shy person?. Well this quiz is all about your personality! take this quiz to see just what cool car your personality matches! SkyBlu published on May 24, 2014 Stacked 1/7 If you could be anywhere and doing anything at this moment, Where would you be? The beach, so i can get my daily dose of waves. Shopping, so i can try out all the stylish clothes. The Library, so i can curl up by myself and read a good book. Park, so i can have races with my friends and try out the playground. Skydiving, so i can do back-flips and front-flips in the air. 2/7 Out of these sports which one would you rather choose? Chess, So I can barley be talking and running. Roller-Skating, So i can look good while being active. Parkour, So i can challenge everything dangerous in the city. Hurdles, So i can run, jump, and have fun with my friends. Surfing, So i can cool down on a hot summer day. 3/7 If you could live in any of these Country's or Colony's, which one? Pitcairn Islands, That's the least populated. Japan, They have so much cool style! United States, They have held 8 Olympic games! Australia, They have Crocodiles! South Africa, They have great surfing spots! 4/7 What House would you choose? Mansion, Big enough to fit a tennis court inside. Cottage, Small because I wont have many people over. Average, So i can perfectly fit decorations in. Beach House, Close to the waves. Big, So i can jump off the roof into the pool. 5/7 What two colour's would you rather have in your bedroom? Aqua & Silver, Beachy colours. Red & Black, Warning colours. Red & White, Fun colours. White, Plain and simple. Rainbow, It's very stylish. 6/7 If you could be any of these animals, which one would you be? Cheetah, they are so fast and awesome! Lion, So i can be fierce and scary! Koala, So i can chill and hang out in a tree 24/7! Chinchilla, So i can be with my owners only and run away from strangers. Bunny, They always look cute and cuddly 7/7 Out of these colour's which one do you like the most? Blue, It's so calming. Black, It screams danger. White, It's simple and unique. Pink, It's super stylish. Red, It's a fast colour.