Which Car Suits You?

Which Car Suits You?

Are you a laid back person?, Energetic person?, or even a shy person?. Well this quiz is all about your personality! take this quiz to see just what cool car your personality matches!

published on May 24, 2014

If you could be anywhere and doing anything at this moment, Where would you be?

If you could be anywhere and doing anything at this moment, Where would you be?
The beach, so i can get my daily dose of waves.
Shopping, so i can try out all the stylish clothes.
The Library, so i can curl up by myself and read a good book.
Park, so i can have races with my friends and try out the playground.
Skydiving, so i can do back-flips and front-flips in the air.

Out of these sports which one would you rather choose?

Out of these sports which one would you rather choose?
Chess, So I can barley be talking and running.
Roller-Skating, So i can look good while being active.
Parkour, So i can challenge everything dangerous in the city.
Hurdles, So i can run, jump, and have fun with my friends.
Surfing, So i can cool down on a hot summer day.

If you could live in any of these Country's or Colony's, which one?

If you could live in any of these Country's or Colony's, which one?
Pitcairn Islands, That's the least populated.
Japan, They have so much cool style!
United States, They have held 8 Olympic games!
Australia, They have Crocodiles!
South Africa, They have great surfing spots!

What House would you choose?

What House would you choose?
Mansion, Big enough to fit a tennis court inside.
Cottage, Small because I wont have many people over.
Average, So i can perfectly fit decorations in.
Beach House, Close to the waves.
Big, So i can jump off the roof into the pool.

What two colour's would you rather have in your bedroom?

What two colour's would you rather have in your bedroom?
Aqua & Silver, Beachy colours.
Red & Black, Warning colours.
Red & White, Fun colours.
White, Plain and simple.
Rainbow, It's very stylish.

If you could be any of these animals, which one would you be?

If you could be any of these animals, which one would you be?
Cheetah, they are so fast and awesome!
Lion, So i can be fierce and scary!
Koala, So i can chill and hang out in a tree 24/7!
Chinchilla, So i can be with my owners only and run away from strangers.
Bunny, They always look cute and cuddly

Out of these colour's which one do you like the most?

Out of these colour's which one do you like the most?
Blue, It's so calming.
Black, It screams danger.
White, It's simple and unique.
Pink, It's super stylish.
Red, It's a fast colour.