My little Pony what Princess are you? The quiz is about what princess you are, there are 4 princesses, there is princess Candence, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Queen of the changelings. Juliet1234 published on February 04, 2013 Stacked 1/8 If you we're a princess what princess magic would you want Princess of the night Princess that can change in to any pony Princess of love Princess of magic 2/8 What's your favorite color Blue Dark green and black Pink and purple Every color 3/8 If you could be any princess from my little pony what princess would you be Princess Luna Queen of the changelings Princess cadence Princess celestia 4/8 What kind of fashion do you like Sparkly clothes Ripped clothes Dresses Classical clothes 5/8 What kind of music do you like it Pop Hard rock Britney Spears Soft music 6/8 If you and your friend hade a fight what would you do to end the fight Never be friends with them again Be mean to them Say your sorry if you started it Forget about it 7/8 If some one was being mean to you what would you do Ignore them Use magic Kill them with kindness Put them in the canderlot caves 8/8 What's your favorite food Candy Meat Ice cream Salad