Which Exec Team member are you?

Which Exec Team member are you?

Take this short quiz to see which Exec Team role might best suit you - all University of Manchester students can stand until the 21st February 2013.

published on February 06, 2013

You are at a conference - which training session do you go to?

Diversifying elections
The National Student Survey
Measuring campaign success
Supporting volunteers in your Union
Student safety and crime
Supporting students with caring responsibilities
Involving more women in the Union
Developing your Trustee board

Different groups of students want your help on a project - which group of students do you help?

The group wanting to lobby their local M.P on an issue
A group of course reps wanting to get feedback faster
The group aiming to imrpove relationships between students and their neighbours
The group that want to arrange women speaker events
The group that want to set up an environmental action week
The group that want to run love music hate prejudice event
The group wanting to set up an inter society competition
A group of students wanting to get sexual health testing on campus

You are at a party listening to conversations around you. Which conversation do you go and join? the conversation about:

The number of women involved in politics
How people are coping at University in terms of health
How good or bad your course and University resources are.
What its like to go and study abroad or to be a Postgrad student.
Hobbies and volunteering extra to study.
Helping other people speak out against injustice or trying to get more people involved in creating positive change
The University vision for 2020
Living in halls or living in Fallowfield

You are in an Exec meeting and only one of these can be funded - which do you vote for?

Welcome Societies Fair
Student led teaching awards
Providing training for students to change the world
Interfaith event in Plattfields Park
A Housing Fair
University wellbeing week
Reclaim the night
Part time jobs fair

Which of these would most improve students lives?

Students feeling confident to be themselves without prejudice at University
Feeling part of a united student community
A student voice on every committee
A dedicated voice for Women students
Loads of opportunities to make friends and meet new people
Great access to a well developed support and advice services
Students being able to take action to change issues they care about
Clear and simple complaits, appeals and exceptional circumstances procedures