what kind of cat would you be? would you be brown, stripy, fuzzy, happy, anything like a cat, how would you be if you were a cat? awesome6154 published on January 28, 2013 Stacked 1/5 As a kitty, will you always love your owner? NO! I WANNA BE FREE! YES! I WILL LOVE THEM! well mostly.. kinda 2/5 As a kitty, would you like being outside? NEVERRRR YES! FREE FALLI'N! XP KINDA... MOSTLY 3/5 As a kitty,will you be bored ALL DAY!? yess! so much! nothing to do.. NO! EXPLORE! mostly... kinda... 4/5 As a kitty, are you happy? NO WAY! NEVER! YESS!! ALWAYS I WILL BE! well mostly... kinda 5/5 As a new cat, would you like other animals in the house? NOT AT ALL yes!!