What kind of tiger are you!!!! (1)

What kind of tiger are you!!!! (1)

This quiz will tell you what kind of tiger you are if you were a tiger!!!!

published on January 31, 2013

How do you think others might describe you?


Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Night owl, but only since i like to hunt that time.
Early bird. I am more comfterable then.
Are you kidding? I am always partying at night with my friends!!!

At lunchtime are you usually alone or with a few friends?

YES! Everyone fights just to sit near me!
No, I prefer to be alone.
Only my closest friends are with me.

How long does it usually take you to get ready in the morning?

30 minuets at most. I like to look nice, just not over the top.
Just a few minuets I don't really care about my apperence.
1 to 2 hours of course! Do you think looking this good happens magicaly?

What do you do in your spare time?

Shopping,sports,hanging out with friends
Sleep,eat some food,watch TV
Work,do my hobby,think of people i want to be better than