What Good Luck Charlie charector am I?

What Good Luck Charlie charector am I?

Have you ever wondered which Good luck charlie charector you are? You could be Gabe,Bob,Teddy,Amy,PJ,Charlie or Ivy! you never know you could be identical twins...

published on January 23, 2013

When you go shopping what shops are you usually drawn to?

When you go shopping what shops are you usually drawn to?
The nature shop.or the 99p store
The clothes shop thats on sale
musical shop.
clothes i dont care about the price!!!!
rock t-shirt shop
animal clothes shop and sparkly shop!

What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite colour?
Animal print colours

If you were stuck on a desert island and you could only have one thing what would it be?

If you were stuck on a desert island and you could only have one thing what would it be?
A doghnut.
A camera so people could film me.I'm the star of every show!
My gutair
My video camera to record the beautiful scenery
A pillow and a blanket.
My dummy and toys.
My wardrobe how can i survive when i look hideous?

Who's the most important person in your life?

Who's the most important person in your life?
My doghnut <3
My kids
My girlfriend
My best friend
My mom
My Boyfriend

What is your dream job?

What is your dream job?
Being in a band.
A computer game designer
To be a princess/fairy
To be a fashion designer

What would you have printed on a t-shirt if you had a choice?

What would you have printed on a t-shirt if you had a choice?
A bug
The hollywood sign
Me and my best friend
My name and me all over it!!!!
Mom and me.
Just animal prints all over it!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Research and study new ways to exterminate bugs and study them.
Bake,watch peoples backs get involved in other peoples problems
Woundering what this question means.
Recording things in my diary and on my camera and being with best friend.
Planning mischevious revenge on whoever just made me angry or annoy people for fun.
Looking for someone to play with.Playing.Being cheeky to seek attention.
Shopping,searching through my wardrobe/closet.

When do wash your hair ?

When do wash your hair ? every...
I don't really have much hair
Every day.
twice a day.
Every two days.
Once a week.
I don't know whenever my mom tells me too.
Once every three days.

What is your favourite food?

What is your favourite food?
Keep fit yoghurt
Southern fried chicken
Ice cream.
strawberries in cream.
rice pudding.
chocolate cake.

What is in your wardrobe?

What is in your wardrobe?
My work/school uniform and some t-shirts fir relaxing in,jeans
mini cardigans(the nice ones not the old ones)skinny jeans and t-shirts.
jeans,t-shirts with guitars,rock bands eg.
Whatever is in fashion,t-shirts with butterflys and things on them.
Anthing with mischevious things on,jeans
Cute things,boes,spots eg.
Lepord print,zebra stripes,sparkles eg.