Am I hot, sexy, handsome, cute or fugly? (boys) Boys version of the other quiz. Find out if your sexy or not. Don't rate badly because you don't like your results please. imeyouthree published on January 21, 2013 Stacked 1/9 What's your BMI? under 20 between 20-30 over 30 2/9 What do you do in your spare time? try on my sisters bras play video games socialize PARTY!!!! 3/9 What do YOU think you are? Fugly :( Cute :) SMOKIN' HOT!!!! Handsome ;) 4/9 Do you wear glasses? contacts? Yes No 5/9 How long is your hair? VERY long long medium(like JB) short 6/9 How often do you shower? Every day Every week Every other day Once a month 7/9 Do you have a girlfriend? HELL YES!!! No one likes me :( no im mormon 8/9 How often do you brush and floss? I don't do either Three times a day, both Twice a day, I don't floss Twice a day once a day 9/9 Are you fit? I have a TON of muscles. I am fat. I'm out of shape. I have SOME muscles.