Am i sexy, pretty, cute or hideous? Answer all questions honestly for honest results. Please don't rate my quiz meanly because you don't like your results! imeyouthree published on January 21, 2013 Stacked 1/9 What is your bra size? A B C D DD not listed (bigger) i got none 2/9 What's your skin tone? sickly pale healthy glow natural tan pale, but naturally 3/9 What is your Body Mass Index (bmi)? under 20 between 20-30 over 30 4/9 Do you have a boyfreind? No, im mormon. No one likes me... Hell Yes!! 5/9 What do you think you are? hideous :( Beautimous!! :) Red hot! ;) Sexy as hell! B) Cute ;) 6/9 How much makeup do you wear? HEAPS!! Eyeliner, mascara, blush, gloss, shadow, toner and foundation. That's it!! none... mascara blush and gloss as much as i need, but not too much 7/9 How often do you shower? Every day Every other day Twice a day *wink* every three days Once a week 8/9 How flat is your belly? flat by genes toned muffin top fat and pudgy flat and squishy 9/9 Do you brush your teeth? Do you floss? How often? No, no... I hate toothpaste, I hate floss. Yes, Yes. three times a day!! twice a day once a day... i dont floss