Which Fairy Are You? Hi! Do you want to know which fairy you are? Then check here! But do not trust this quiz so much because it might be wrong. Catarla published on January 19, 2013 Stacked 1/16 What's your personality? Sensitive, calm Breezy, positive Malicious, villainous Mischievous, spirited Ecological, modest Bright, cheerful None of them 2/16 What's your favorite animal? Fox/dragon I love every animal Bat Any flying animal Any underwater animal None Dove 3/16 Which bottle? The yellow one The light blue one The purple one The green one The blue one The red one None 4/16 Where would you want to live? In the clouds On the sweet smelling grass On warm sand Anywhere as long as there is night time in there Somewhere warm Underwater None of them 5/16 What's you favorite gem? Sapphire/aquamarine Onyx/amethyst None Emerald/jade Ruby/garnet Diamond/moonstone Topaz 6/16 Which weapon would you use? Bombs/Fire Whip/Blowgun Trident/Water cannon Bow and arrows/Axe/Brick/Sickle/Slingshot A potion I guess? Scythe None 7/16 (Be honest for this one) Which fairy type do you think you will be? Air fairy Earth fairy Water fairy Fire Fairy Light Fairy Dark Fairy None of them 8/16 Which Fairy type don't you like? None Water fairies Dark fairies Air fairies Light fairies Earth fairies Fire fairies 9/16 What's your favorite color? Blue Dark purple/purple White/Light purple/light blue Green/brown Yellow Red/Orange None of them! 10/16 What's you favorite activity? Swimming Going out to get some fresh air Going to the beach Make a campfire Stargazing and maybe making constellations Planting None 11/16 What would be your nickname? Sunshine Breeze Eco Imp Moon night None of them Ocean Queen/Princess 12/16 What would you want for your birthday? WORLD PEACE! I want everyone to be happy! A full set of makeup! I want something different! Some new clothes I suppose. I only want everyone to suffer! I want to help the poor! I want to help nature! 13/16 A beggar aproaches you, what do you do? Give him/her some money, but not too much! None of the options Maybe give him/her something to make him/her beautiful! Ha! Sucker! I would ignore him/her! Aww... Maybe give him/her some food instead... Heal all of his/her sorrows first... I would give him/her everything he/she needs! 14/16 Which ability would you love to have? Flight/Invisibility Night vision Regenerate Burn Breathing Underwater Ressurecting None 15/16 Which Calamity is the best? Blackout! Tornado! Tsunami/Flood None of them! I want to be peaceful! Volcano/Fire! Earthquake! 16/16 A thief stole $100,000 from a building, what would you do? Team up with that guy! Yeah! None of the options Call the cops! NOW! I'd catch that guy... If I get paid! Catch him and ask why he did that. Gimmee a B, Gimmee an A, Gimmee a D, what does that spell? Bad!! Catch him! He is NO good!