Valentines day! ♥Do you love it?♥ Chloebabey98 published on February 09, 2011 Stacked 1/8 You wake up on valentines day and the mail has come, you find a card with your name on it:) what do you do? Quickly you hide it and think, 'omg, i wonder who it's from' blushing You think, 'what? it isn't my birthday is it?!' You SCREAM and rip up the card, pushing it right to the bottom of the bin. 2/8 So you find out the valentines card was from your mum/dad, they though you was lonely, what do you say to them? Hey, i don't need you to send me cards. I'm not lonely;) I'll get a valentine Thanks? idk? what is valentines?:L WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU SEND YOUR OWN CHILD A VALENTINES DAY CARD?! 3/8 You are on your way to work/school and your friends are asking if you have got a valentines day card yet, you answer with? YEAH! well, sorta but i might get another soon:) no, no.. EW! no. OMG somebody please tell me what valentines day is?!:\ and yes i did i think NOWAY!!!! yeah but i found out if was just my mum/dad :( 4/8 So you get to school/work and you find another valentines card in your bag, what do you think? idk it says from guess who!♥ ahhhhh! i have a stalker? it says i love you?! and idk who its from D: AHHHH NOT ANOTHER, AND THIS TIME ITS NOT MY MUM/DAD awhhh you know exactly who it is, it's from your girlfriend/boyfriend! its so sweet You blush, but you think its a joke:\♥ 5/8 Half way through the day you find out who it was who sent you the card. They come up to you, what do you say? :') hi, thanks for the card. It was really sweet♥ YOU! GRR NEVER SEND ME A CARD EVER AGAIN! I HATE YOU! >:( thanks for the card i suppose? 6/8 Are you in a relationship at the moment? Yeah♥ no;( yep, but i wont be for long! nope!:) single pringle 7/8 So, you come home and find some flowers and a box of chocolates on your doorstep, what do you do with them? You eat the chocolates, bin the flowers bin them both, NOW! take them up into your room, you'll eat the chocolates and put the flowers in a vase 8/8 What's the lats thing on your mind on valentines day night? *sigh* valentines is over okay? well i still don't have a clue what valentines day is soo?! FINALLY! well, i'm glad thats over!