Do you know me? (1) A series of question I will be testing to see if you know me :P I will see if you are really my friend... dun dun dun!!!! LOL Marleth4EVER2019 published on January 14, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Which one do you think describes me more? Funny Annoying Wierd All of the above Funny and Wierd 2/5 Which one do you think describes me more? Wild Crazy wild sometimes wild and crazy all the time all above in a way :P 3/5 Which one describes me more? loyal trustworthy loyal and trustworthy sometimes loyal and trustworthy all the time all of the above in a way :P 4/5 Which one do you think is more me?? happy sometimes happy all the time All above in a way 5/5 Which one describes me more? smart and nerdy all the time smart and nerdy when I want to all of the above in a way