Are you beautiful? Ever wondered if you are beautiful? This test will find out by asking a few questions. xXxCaitiexXx published on January 14, 2013 Stacked 1/9 How many friends do you have? None One or two friends Several good friends Lots of good friends 2/9 Do you take good care of your hair? Hmm... Not really. I just wear it the way it falls. I take time to style it most days, but sometimes I just wear it down. I always style it, even if I'm not going anywhere special. 3/9 Do you take care of your skin? No Occasionally Most of the time, although sometimes I forget I follow my skin routine every morning and night 4/9 Do you take good care of your health? I don't know / No I exercise occasionally. Sometimes I'll have a piece of fruit or veg. I don't drink a lot of water and get less than eight hours sleep. I try to exercise every day, as well as eat the proper serves of fruit and veg. I drink water and get eight hours of sleep most of the time. I always exercise and eat the proper serves of fruit and veg. I always get eight hours of sleep and drink plenty of water. 5/9 Do people compliment you on your looks? Rarely Sometimes Often Always 6/9 Do you compliment people on their looks? Rarely Sometimes Often Always 7/9 Do you think that someone who's beautiful is better than someone who isn't? Of course not! I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way. Of course not! Beauty has nothing do with self-worth. Maybe... I don't know Yes 8/9 How long do you take to get ready in the morning? Thirty seconds. Ten minutes. Thirty minutes to an hour. I start a week prior. 9/9 Do you think you are beautiful? Yes I'm ok Not really No