What animal are you? (11) This quiz will tell you what animal you are, it could be from monkey to possibly a dolphin. Enjoy! AnimalLover01 published on January 12, 2013 Stacked 1/6 You have a huge test coming up, what do you do? Fool around when studying, studying isn't a laughing matter, but you make it one Don't study, you're smart enough already Don't study, you couldn't care less Study, you need to get an A. 2/6 What foods do you like most? veggies fish meat fruits 3/6 What are your grades like? A's, duh. A's and B's B's and C's the occasional D No comment 0_0 4/6 You have a day off, what do you do? climb trees, annoy people every once in a while swim, do water activities race people, compete against them sit around all day, watch t.v., play on computer 5/6 What's your favorite color? RAINBOW! gray, white, black, anything dark anything bright blue, purple, pink, other 6/6 How would you/your friends describe you? to active and annoying, always hyper lazy too brainy and smart, a smart alec, boring too confident, but you're pretty awesome