what heart do you have???? Find out what heart you have.Find out how you act,what color you you are,and what you do. anity published on January 08, 2013 Stacked 1/6 Chose a mustache!!!!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:"<>? :{ ) :} ) :[ ) :{ [Vampire with a mustache!!!! 2/6 If you where in an ally at night and someone said "come to me"what would you do? Blow his head off!!!! RUN!!! Yell no. See what he wants. 3/6 What do you think of revenge? Awsome!!!! NO!!!! ????Sometimes NEVER EVER(never ever)NEVER EVER EVER (k) 4/6 Witch would you rather have???? $money love@ Power# I don't care(really)I have everything i need(k) 5/6 Let fate decide.... 8) ;0 x() :{ )mustache 6/6 Whats your favorite color! red green purple pink turquoise blue brown other