what elizabethan actor are you? this is a quiz that you can see if you would play a royal? woman? peasant? or whatever in an elizabethan play! katie_16 published on January 06, 2013 Stacked 1/5 In the Elizabethan age the clothes you wore said a lot about you. Even the color and fabric! I would describe my style as... I just throw on whatever i have! I dress to impress at all occasions! Your style says a lot about you! I try to look good! if not its not a huge deal. 2/5 There are so many amazing things that go along with being an elizabethan actor! Theres fame, fortune, your are like a clothing model, and you get to act for so many people! how would you handle it all? I would have fun with it! Sharing it with my family and friends would be great though! Soak in the lime light! So many people would look up to me! I have to make a good impression for the future! Just being on stage and enjoying the view is reward enough! 3/5 You hear all about grand finales don't you?! What would be your version of a "grand finale"? Something great has to happen that the whole town gets together and celebrates! Like a Romeo and Juliette ending! A huge tragic ending that brings something good! A fairytale! Or the underdog rises and gets what they deserve! 4/5 If your in a contest you will be the one to... Work hard to win! If you're not first you're last right?! Lay low, whatever happens happens. At least i entered! Try my hardest and hope for the best! 5/5 In these Elizabethan plays they used ropes and trap doors for exciting entrances and exits! what do you think about this? would you do it? I think id rather stay on flat group Why not?! It would be fun what do you have to loose?! I'd love to but i don't think i want to get my hair messed up..