what elizabethan actor are you?

what elizabethan actor are you?

this is a quiz that you can see if you would play a royal? woman? peasant? or whatever in an elizabethan play!

published on January 06, 2013

In the Elizabethan age the clothes you wore said a lot about you. Even the color and fabric! I would describe my style as...

In the Elizabethan age the clothes you wore said a lot about you. Even the color and fabric! I would describe my style as...
I just throw on whatever i have!
I dress to impress at all occasions! Your style
says a lot about you!
I try to look good! if not its not a huge deal.

There are so many amazing things that go along with being an elizabethan actor! Theres fame, fortune, your are like a clothing model, and you get to act for so many people! how would you handle it all?

There are so many amazing things that go along with being an elizabethan actor! Theres fame, fortune, your are like a clothing model, and you get to act for so many people! how would you handle it all?
I would have fun with it! Sharing it with my family
and friends would be great though!
Soak in the lime light! So many people would
look up to me! I have to make a good impression
for the future!
Just being on stage and enjoying the view is
reward enough!

You hear all about grand finales don't you?! What would be your version of a "grand finale"?

You hear all about grand finales don't you?! What would be your version of a "grand finale"?
Something great has to happen that the whole
town gets together and celebrates!
Like a Romeo and Juliette ending! A huge tragic
ending that brings something good!
A fairytale! Or the underdog rises and gets what
they deserve!

If your in a contest you will be the one to...

If your in a contest you will be the one to...
Work hard to win! If you're not first you're last
Lay low, whatever happens happens. At least i
Try my hardest and hope for the best!

In these Elizabethan plays they used ropes and trap doors for exciting entrances and exits! what do you think about this? would you do it?

In these Elizabethan plays they used ropes and trap doors for exciting entrances and exits! what do you think about this? would you do it?
I think id rather stay on flat group
Why not?! It would be fun what do you have to
I'd love to but i don't think i want to get my hair
messed up..