Are you an angel or an devil? Are you mean or nice? Do you have an halo or horns? Take this and find out. This personality quiz states real life things. How would you react? kass1551 published on January 06, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Okay last question. What kid of sports do you like? None. I don't have time for them. I can't cooperate with those retarted teamates anyway. I don't have time for trying to get along. I don't want to go off ... I love them all!!! Sports are such good ways to learn and cooperate. They show you how to work together. I LOVE sports :D I like some, but other take too much and I cant handle it I HATE SPORTS HATE HATE!!! :( I CANT PLAY WELL BUT I SUPPORT OTHERS AND WISH I COULD PLAY 2/5 You got stuck with some kids and they are messy! They throw everything, they scream, they roll their eyes and talk back what do you do? Bake them cookies. They'll settle down then. When they go to sleep kiss the babies on the head. Awww so sweet Get a freaking belt and whoop them untill they bleed and they better not cry unless they're dying. More crying? More whoopin' Set down the rules...they can have fun and get treats if they behave...if not they can cry all the want 'GET IN THE CORNER' 3/5 What kind of music do you like? Anything relaxing. Love songs! So sweet. Nothing with cursing it though! Omg the harsh words. I shiver just thinking about them. Anything hard. Rap. Something to turn up loud and vibrate the car. Who cares about the other people screaming out their windows? I can't even hear them :P Both...I'm more of a r&b or jazz person. 4/5 Do you have sleepovers often? Yesss!!!! All the time! I love having pillow fights and telling spooky stories!! Who has time for that crap??? I have no time. I gotta work and baby sit. Matter fact it's time to whoops some bad kids right now. Sometime....depends on how i'm feeling 5/5 You're in school and someone knocks over your stuff and steps on you. Then they say,"Pick it up stupid." What do you say? Put that jerk in his place and say,"You pick it up fatty. I see you made all f's on your report card so how in the heck you got the freaking nerve to call ... Pick the stuff up quietly without saying a word. Tell him to shutup, pick up you're stuff and quietly walk away