What kind of Music are you? I am like obsessed with music, so OF COURSE I had to make a quiz about it. I got this idea while singing GANGMAN STYLE! XD larrystylinson4eva published on January 05, 2013 Stacked 1/11 What is your favorite colour in the rainbow? Red RAINBOW?! WTF!! I'M TALKIN BLACK hmm, blue yellow violet orange green 2/11 Which out of these number are your favorite? 1 1000 One billlliiiioooon 23 2468...whatever 3/11 What kind of cloths do you usually wear? Tank top, blue jeans The NOW type of cloths Whatever I can find AC/DC shirt and jacket with sweat pants Ripped shirt and holey pants Idk, work cloths...something casual 4/11 Maybe you should... DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! ...Well, finish your sentence Yes, go on... Throw a party! Come on! I've got stuff to do. hhmmm...I don't know... 5/11 What do you do in your free time? Read Write Cook Dance! Idk, Just get through the day Sing! LOUD!!! Tell people about my awesome new leather jacket! Watch T.v. Play instrument 6/11 What is your favorite creature out of these? Werewolf Dragon Pheonix Horse Cat Dog Vampire Spirits Humans Fish Frog Sloth Cheetah 7/11 If you had to stare at something for ten minutes, which out of these choices would you choose to stare at? Clock Your crush's picture Marathon Horse race A radio The mirror, so I can see my beautiful face! A peaceful meadow 8/11 You recieve deep glares from the people surrounding you, what is your reaction? Glare back! They have no right to judge you! Stick your chin up and pushed through the croud without a flinch. Smile at the people, and laughing when they look away. You don't even notice and hurry to your destination. With a sqift glance to each of them their anger disapears in your mind. Ignore. You are the only one there. 9/11 Do you like these words, Terror, horror, fright Heck yea! That's some great inspiration right there! No, my God those are horrible. Hmm... there okay I guess. Just only if they're in something like a book. Not in real life. Whatever yea, no. /;\ No, maybe some words like graceful, peace, or free HHMM! you got it going there! 10/11 Would you like to learn a new language? yea, sure Yea, I could meet new people Idk WHY!?! NO, I HAVE MUCH BETTER THINGS TO DO WITH MY TIME!! Nah, not really my thing yes no 11/11 What is your favorite music? (Just because it says one type of music doesn't mean that the answer is that same type.) Rap Pop Country Classical Rock Metal