what drink are you once you play this game you'll be suprised by what drink you are.you'll have so much fun when you play this quiz.hope you like it. jaimielove1 published on January 02, 2013 Stacked 1/10 are you a geek or a popular popular geek both none tjsrjdhyasgtdeyv 2/10 how old are you 7 i don't know 2 6 1 4 65 54654546576756 edgfdhnvj,dhfskndjashfgfgkjfudhjyu 123 23 10 other 3/10 what flower do you like none all roses other 4/10 are you a night or day person night day both none fhdfhjfhdfhdf i am never telling you 5/10 do you like soda whats soda yes no jyudjgttigucjlfcjyvcvh sprite especially all but root beer i dont know i guess so 6/10 what is tour favorite color other none all rainbow purple yellow black blue whats a color xdbhfsgdyuybhfidtgvftxdyugf 7/10 whats your favorite dessert vanilla ice cream coffe cake pudding apple pie chocalate ice cream root beer float other i dont eat 8/10 whats your name tiki johney sierra lila rfsdfshguko;shgd i dont know other 9/10 do you like milk noooo yes what is milk idk 10/10 are you a boy or girl? i'm a boy of course im a pretty girl i dont know both why should i tell you!!!