What starter Pokemon from X and Y are you? You will never know what you get till it's finished. :3 Fennekin, Chespin, and Froakie! (I had nothing else to type!) PixelThorns published on June 27, 2016 Stacked 1/6 What species are you? Fox Bubble Frog Spiny Nut 2/6 What would your weaknesses be? Ground, Rock, Water Electric, Grass Flying, Poison, Ice, Bug, Fire 3/6 What type of Pokémon would you be? Fire Water Grass 4/6 What would your hidden ability be? Magician Protean Bulletproof 5/6 What would your height be? 1' 4" 1' Same as first 6/6 Freebie! Fennekin Froakie Chespin