What drink are you? (2) Are you a fiery soda or a sweet smoothie? Find out what wonderful drink you are. amandamiller08 published on March 22, 2015 Stacked 1/10 What is your favorite book? Wicked Hunger games the snow queen Divergent Chronicles of Narnia 2/10 What is your favorite animal? shark snake puppy cat bird 3/10 What is your favorite type of movie? Comedy Action drama horror Anything rated PG or above but nothing above R 4/10 What is your favorite color? Blue red pink Anything neon yellow 5/10 What is your dream vacation? Florida Germany Skiing at the Alps Any Museum or historical sight An amusement park 6/10 About how many friends do you have?(doesn't have to be exact.) like 30 About 5 maybe 4 2 or 3 10 15 or 20 7/10 You see someone getting bullied what do you do. Go find a responsible adult Defend that person Don't do anything it will work itself out walk away as fast as you can. You don't even know the person anyways Go find your friends and stand up to the bully 8/10 You have the chance to go sky diving with your family. You... GO!!! That sounds awesome! Who wouldn't want to ?! wouldn't go. You would much rather stay home and watch TV or read. THAT SOUNDS TERRIFYING!!!!!!!!! ONLY IDIOTS WOULD WANT TO DO THAT!!! Go. It would be fun to try out. Go. It sounds like fun. 9/10 What is your favorite type of drink? soda energy drinks something cold lemonade Mountain dew 10/10 What is your favorite movie out of these? Shrek Sound of music Divergent Harry Potter Mirror Mirror