Are you Beautiful OR Pretty

Are you a beautiful soul or a pretty soul? Do you wanna know? WELL THAN, Take this quiz to find out if your beautiful or pretty!

published on November 20, 201442 responses 15
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Do you stand up to bullying?

I hate bullying! Those poor kids how are being treated like sh-t!
I'm the bully so...
I'm the one being bullied :(
No of course not

Do you want a muffin?

Do you want a muffin?
Ummm... What?
Yes Yeash Yup! I want a MUFFIN!
Umm no way!
Of course! You want a half?

Favorite color!?

Favorite color!?
Blue like the shimmering ocean blue
HMMM... are sparkles colors?
Other but they are beautiful colors!

What do you wear everyday?

What do you wear everyday?
A cute T-shirt, a cute skirt and some flats
Jeans and a t-shirt with sneakers
A cute summer dress with sparkles and high-heels
Sneakers,short sleeve shirt, capris shorts