What's your music?

What's your music?

A tune, words or a full pop-song what's your song? Everyone that likes music and doctor who can do this quiz.

published on December 29, 201268 responses 16
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What would you prefer to wear?

What would you prefer to wear?
A floor-length, black or red dress with matching accessories.
A beautiful outfit that I can feel safe in.
Bright, flashy clothing with accessories.
A suit or at least something smart.
Denim jeans and a t-shirt. Maybe a bandanna.

How many friends do you have besides family?

How many friends do you have besides family?
One, my girl/boyfriend.
Only a few!
Loads, I'm super popular! Nobody can have them though! More fans then friends though.

Which club/activity would you like to go to if you had to go to one?

Which club/activity would you like to go to if you had to go to one?
Drama, I'm great at it!
A none popular one.
One with no planner!
The one my true love goes to!
Arts and crafts!

What are you good at?

What are you good at?
Sports, I need to...
Nothing really...
Poetry and literacy!
Drama and singing!

Where do you feel most at home?

Where do you feel most at home?
At a romantic dinner.
All alone without any interruptions.
At a busy space with all your fans.
Anywhere I can be myself.
At a beautiful hotel
A shopping plaza.