Is the power of the moustache with you? The power of the moustache is what you have if you are an awesome rocking broski from Mars :D BackToHumans published on December 29, 2012 Stacked 1/7 Do you like waffles? YEAH I LIKE WAFFLES! No... they suck... 2/7 WHAT DID YOU DO TO PANDA? I ATE HIM! NOM NOM NOM I didn't do it... 3/7 Isn't the picture adorable? Look at the dude on the left! He's adorable! Bonus points if you know who they are :D OMG THAT'S ADORABLE! I CANNOT UNSEE THAT CUTENESS! Jeez, it's just two little kids... 4/7 If you could grow facial hair, what would you grow? MOOOOUSTACHE! Beard :P 5/7 When I jump out an airplane without a parachute (because I know everything about snow), what do I say? VOOODKAAAA! Ow? 6/7 I like trains... OHMIGOD! WHY DO YOU JUST SAY THAT? NOW WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! Shut up... 7/7 Where are cows from? THEY'RE FROM THE MOON O_o From a farm...