Dress Fashion Designer

Dress Fashion Designer

Would you be good at designing dresses? Lets find out through this 8 questioned quiz. Enjoy~

published on December 31, 20127 responses 2
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What do you usually wear?

What do you usually wear?
T shirt, jeans, converse, maybe a dress with some
Some sort of dress with a pair of leggings or tights
and some converse or boots
Anything that isn't a dress

You have to design for a 17 year old model called Maya, she has blonde hair and blue eyes.
According to her description, what should you design for her?

You have to design for a 17 year old model called Maya, she has blonde hair and blue eyes. According to her description, what should you design for her?
A pair of dark denim jeans, a flowing wolf vest top, a
black Italian leather jacket and a pair of short black
I'd design a few things to see which one suits her best.
Some sort of short laced Gothic dress with a black
cardigan and a pair of converse or boots

Your boss tells you to design and make a dress forgot teenagers, he says it has to have modern materials, so he sends you to a classy fabric shop, which materials do you chose?
Remember, they have to be modern and and eye catching materials.

Your boss tells you to design and make a dress forgot teenagers, he says it has to have modern materials, so he sends you to a classy fabric shop, which materials do you chose? Remember, they have to be modern and and eye catching materials.
Denim, leopard print, pink leather
Silk, red velvet, spotty fabric
I'd just make a dress of..Uh..I don't really know, but
it'd be one material only

You get a phone call from your boss, he's in Germany talking to the famous fashion designer/model, Heidi Klum! She wants you to make a series of summer dresses for her to advertise and model in. You will get 70% of the money and she will get the other 30%.
Good deal, do you take it?

You get a phone call from your boss, he's in Germany talking to the famous fashion designer/model, Heidi Klum! She wants you to make a series of summer dresses for her to advertise and model in. You will get 70% of the money and she will get the other 30%. Good deal, do you take it?
Nah, designing dresses isn't really my thing, plus,
70%? If I was designing anything I'd demand 100%
of the business!
Obviously, who wouldn't?
Absolutley! And maybe if I do well, she'll employ me to
be one of her designers!

What material would you buy if you had to design a long, vintage style dress?

What material would you buy if you had to design a long, vintage style dress?
Expensive red velvet
Some old rags LOL
Hm, I'd have to do some research on Vintage dresses
to inspire me

You have just designed a black feather, modern prom dress that everyone loves- what do you call it?

You have just designed a black feather, modern prom dress that everyone loves- what do you call it?
Ange` Plumes
Dark sky dress
Just stick some name like "Millennium" on the label, it
doesn't really matter what the name is

You have designed a new dress;it is a long, black dress with some rich silver feathers at the top. A number of celebrities want it to wear to the Red Carpet, but you can only sell it to one of them, who will you sell it to?

You have designed a new dress;it is a long, black dress with some rich silver feathers at the top. A number of celebrities want it to wear to the Red Carpet, but you can only sell it to one of them, who will you sell it to?
Lana Del Rey
Nicole Scherzinger
Katy Perry

People are now recognizing your talent with designing clothes, so people are now wanting some clothes for their dogs! You are asked by Paris Hilton to design for her beloved Yorkie, what will you design for her cute pooch?

People are now recognizing your talent with designing clothes, so people are now wanting some clothes for their dogs! You are asked by Paris Hilton to design for her beloved Yorkie, what will you design for her cute pooch?
A cute little hooded striped sailor dress with navy blue
bows on the hood!
Anything Paris wants! I'll even throw in a pair of shoes!
A little Dalmatian print onesie with ears on the hood!