Do you like a good book? Everybody has a hobby - is one of your hobbies possibly reading? Take the quiz to see. Nekohime published on December 25, 2012 Stacked 1/8 When is your fave reading time? In the morning. Just before bed :) NEVER !!!! During the day. Well .. I don't have one. It differs from time to time. 2/8 Do you listen to music when you read? Yes, it helps. Read ? Since when did I read ? No, I feel as if the music distracts my imagination and/or concentration Sometimes yes, sometimes no Errrr, I get so focused listening to music that I pay more attention to the music rather than the book What's the point? I only read for 5mins anyways .. 3/8 How often do you read ?? Never. Really. Always :D Whenever I can :) Maybe every now and then .. Well .. does it include mags ? Never got the time :( 4/8 How big are the 'books' you read? 500+ pages Over 200+ Erm ... 0 pages O.o Maybe one article? Around 100 pages Depends - if it's a book that I like than I don't mind reading alot of pages, and vice verser. 5/8 How long do you read for ?? Well, it's not long until I get BORED :/ Ages. I'm a fast reader, soooo it cuts down my reading time a tad. Depends on how much time I have I guess. How long ? I don't even pick up the book :P I can only estimate. 6/8 Do you know many authors? Yuuuup Nope ... maybe 1 ?? I .. I know a few .. Well I have tried lots of authors, I just rarely remember their names :P Maybe 5-10 ?? My mind has gone blank O.o 7/8 Would you consider yourself a bookworm? I dunno O.o Yes, a true bookworm Ewww .. worms :/ Maaaaybe Nope :) Yeh 8/8 How many books are in your shelf? ALOT My bookshelves is full of things OTHER than books. 50/50 Well .. I need a bigger bookshelf for my books !! Hahahaha. None. I don't own a bookshelf.