What creature are you? (1) Everyone has a creepy side they will become. From horror films to Frankenstein books everything has a scary side but what's yours? powergirl6 published on December 22, 2012 Stacked 1/6 What makes you cry? Nothing. Huh? Everything, if I could. Normal stuff. 2/6 What do you want to be? This doesn't mean you get it. Huh? Ghost. Werewolf. Vampiric lord of all darkness! 3/6 What's you're favourite colour? (sorry.) Black and purple. Silver. Pearl. Huh? 4/6 What's your favourite way to spend the day time? Sulk and mourn. Huh? Sleep. Be normal. 5/6 What do you like to do at night? Sulk and mourn. Run and hunt. Hunt and run. Eat. 6/6 What is your favourite natural thing? The moon. Blood. Huh? Nothing. It's useless for me.