Is he more than a friend? (1) Do you have a sneeky suspision hes more than a friend? Or just want to try for fun? Come on see what you get maddy published on December 20, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Would you ever ask HIM out? No the boy should ask the girl out. Yea I could ask him anything. 2/5 What do youre friends think? Hes way more into the game than you ENOUGH is enough you two should so get together. 3/5 What was the last compliment he gave you? "youre sooo cooll!!!!" "Thanks for inviting me over!" 4/5 When you walk by him and he sees you (however hes chatting to his mates)he: Runs over to say HI and see how you are. He looks up and nods but contiues his convo. 5/5 You have been friends for? Just a few weeks we are still getting to know each other. So long I cant remember how we met.