What is your goddess eye colour? Ever wondered what your eye colour would be if you where a goddess? Or just want a try for fun? Try it see what its like! maddy published on December 15, 2012 Stacked 1/5 WHAT IF YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR? BLUE LIGHT BLUE YELLOW RED GREEN PURPLE 2/5 WHAT IS CHRISTMAS FOR? THE GIFTSWhat can be more important THE TREEBest part of christmas it lasts longer BEING WITH THE FAMILYNothings more important than that!! 3/5 WHERE WOULD YOU LIVE?REMEMBER ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE A MANSIONOnly place for a goddess to live!!! A TREE HOUSEDONT BE SO SELFISH ITS BEAUTIFUL BY THE SEA/UNDER THE SEAALL THE DOLPHINS AND CRABS PERFECT 4/5 IF YOU HAD A HORSE WHAT WOULD YOU CALL IT? BRONZE GOLD SILVER 5/5 If you could pick what goddess would you be? GODDESS OF NATUREI love nature that would be a honour GODDESS OF THE SEAI love the sea. GODDESS OF LOVEThat would suit me perfectly.