Naughty OR Nice

Naughty OR Nice

This is a quiz to find out if your Naughty or Nice. The higher the score will give a chance at being naughty, the lower the score a better chance at being nice. If in the middle .. then you must take the quiz over again.. to obtain either naughty or nice.

published on December 14, 2012

Christmas time is a season for giving and caring for your fellow man. When you think of Christmas your first thoughts are..

Christmas time is a season for giving and caring for your fellow man. When you think of Christmas your first thoughts are..
Bring on the gifts.. forget the rest of that mushy crap
Family and being with those you love, not just getting but giving as well. Togetherness.
Love to give and get gifts, but dread the time you have to spend with the family or inlaws.. eww.. why must christmas be so festive..:P

If you seen tommy walking down the sidewalk, eating a icecream cone. And you desperatly want some ice cream. Suddenly you..

If you seen tommy walking down the sidewalk, eating a icecream cone. And you desperatly want some ice cream. Suddenly you..
Grab the icecream from him , pointing and laughing as you devour his icecream
Take off running to the nearest store and buy yourself icecream to satisfy your craving.
Walk up to tommy and hit your fist in your other hand to scare him into surrendering the icecream then you decide to pat his head and walk away determined to...

You go to see your friend Sue at the hospital who has just given birth to a little baby girl. But turns out the baby isnt cute like one would think a baby should be.. you would..

You go to see your friend Sue at the hospital who has just given birth to a little baby girl. But turns out the baby isnt cute like one would think a baby should be.. you would..
Gasp out of being sickened at the sight and say .."Damn girl, Its ugly"
Look at the baby and smile tell your friend that he is adorable and congradulations
Look at the baby, with a face that gives your thoughts away, but then looking at the baby it softens noticing how cute the ugliness can be.. telling your fri...

When starting the quiz of Naughty or Nice you were thinking which of these things..

When starting the quiz of Naughty or Nice you were thinking which of these things..
Wonder what I get for taking this stupid quiz
I bet this will be fun
Might be fun, doubt it..but fine Ill take a stupid quiz to be nice

When you turn on the tv, or drive down the road and see others in need of help you would?..

When you turn on the tv, or drive down the road and see others in need of help you would?..
Change the channel, or keep driving.. We all have needs and help.. sick of seeing stuff for the needy.. get a job...
Would research the ad to donate or volunteer, or stop and help with a small hand out to the person in need.
Get mad at first and think what about me. Then think about how you dont have it so bad, and try to help out if possible.

You see a old woman about to cross a busy intersection. You would..

You see a old woman about to cross a busy intersection. You would..
Go and help her cross the street to safety
Let her cross alone..We all die sometime!
Continue walking away from her, then the conscious eats at you, until you turn and run to help her out

Your at a Gas station pumping gas. Suddenly you see a woman pull up infront of your car at the other pump. As she steps out of the car. You spot a twenty dollar bill had fell from her pocket half, soaked in a small puddle of water. The woman makes her way inside to pay, not seeing the money on the groud. You would..

Your at a Gas station pumping gas. Suddenly you see a woman pull up infront of your car at the other pump. As she steps out of the car. You spot a twenty dollar bill had fell from her pocket half, soaked in a small puddle of water.  The woman makes her way inside to pay, not seeing the money on the groud. You would..
Run over and grab that biatch.. this poor person needs some money.:P
Go and grab the twenty and dry it off on your pants, as the woman comes back to the car, tell her you spotted this on the ground beside her car, having seen ...
Grab the money and wipe it off and go to stick it in your pocket, turning to continue pumping your gas, but as the woman emerges from the store you feel bad ...