What Shoe are U? I know,I know!You probarly have taken tons of shoe quizzes!But this one adds a little twist,U know? alwaysthebest published on December 13, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Fav color? White and Black! Orange Purple Pink Grey 2/5 Are U dating anyone? Yeah,so what? No,too young! Why ya needa know? Yes,but it's nothing big! Um...how do U know if Ima girl or boy? 3/5 Loading question will resume.... DANG! THANK GOD!I thought I would have a hard question to answer! What the.... If it's a promblem I could fix it!I'm a promblem solver! Okay.That's cool!I'll just scroll down the page now.... 4/5 l'm gonna guess Ur password?What's closer?Is LOVE ur password! How'd U know? It's simple like Love but U didn't guess correctly Mine is all numbers!Sorry Two of the letters are in my pasword Nowhere close! 5/5 All the answers are the same.So just be yourself on this one!What's Ur boyfriend type? Cute! Sweet! Just like me! Kind! Funny!