Which onesie are you? Everyone wants one of this craze right now - find out which 1 suits you and what it says about your persoanlity! Sary16 published on December 08, 2012 Stacked 1/16 Which disney princess do you like? Belle Cinderella Ariel Pocahontas Snow white Jane Jasmine Tiana Rapunzel Aurora Mulan Giselle 2/16 Favourite colour? Pastel pink Christmas red Black and white Hot pink Snow white Orange Warm red Blue Golden brown Ivory Multicolour Fudge brown 3/16 Which is your favourite hobby? Eating out Shopping Animals/nature Horse riding Ice skating Learning new languages Drawing/art Card making Collecting things Cheerleading Designing clothes Baking 4/16 What do you do first on a morning? Do makeup Eat breakfast Wash face Wash hair Have a shower Look out window to check weather Choose an outfit Text boyfriend Find phone Brush teeth Style hair Switch alarm off 5/16 Which type of movie do you like? Romance Christmas Teen drama Fantasy Computer animation Foreign Sc-fi Action Family Thriller Comedy Horror 6/16 Which woodland animal do you like? Weasel Badger Rabbit Deer Squirrell Fox Shrew Owl Mice Hedgehog Raccoon Stoat 7/16 What colour occurs most in your dreams Cherry red Mistletoe green Smokey grey Candy pink Midnight blue Fiery orange Scarlet Dark red Mahogany Pale brown Lime green Cream 8/16 Which disney villain do you dislike the most? The queen of hearts Gaston Cruella de ville Edgar Evil queen (snow white) Jafar Maleficent Ursula Madusa Scar Evil stepmother (Cinderella) Queen Narissa 9/16 What colour is your bed? Magenta Pine green Charcoal Cerise Winter blue Fiery red Crimson Royal blue Chestnut brown Yellow Pink and white Chocolate brown 10/16 Where would you go on vacation, given the choice? Venice New York London Africa Austria South america Japan USA Russia Wales Spain Asia 11/16 If you had a million pound, what would you spend it on? Family/friends/charity Hold the biggest christmas ever Have a whole yard of dogs Open a zoo Create another north pole complete with santas home, factory, sleigh, reindeers and elves etc Buy a few houses Bring out your own fashion line Create a party-organising business Open the worlds biggest toy manufacturer Open the worlds biggest nursery Open a holiday resort Buy a bakery line 12/16 If you had to sleep in any of the following places, which would it be? In a bath In a tree house In a kennel In some muddy grass In the snow Under a table In a dog bed On an aerolpane (no bed) In a rocking chair In a haunted house In a coat cupboard In the kitchen 13/16 How many friends do you have? 2 4 Hundreds 10 Tonns 6 A few 20 5 3 7 8 14/16 Which is your favourite food? Waffles Turkey Chicken Veg Ice cream Beef Oranges Baguette Candy Apple Cake Biscuits 15/16 Which pet do you like best? Lovebird Guinea pig Puppy Horse Rabbit Snake Fish Cat Chinchilla Marmoset Newt Bearded dragon 16/16 Which music genre do you like? Love songs Christmas songs Jazz World Country Dance Hip hop Rock Classical Heavy metal R & B Pop