would you like, love, dislike, or hate me? well, what do you think? am i someone who would be your friend, enemy, or somewhere in btween?! leprechuan24 published on December 07, 2012 Stacked 1/12 ok first, do you like people with bubbley personalities ? NO sure? YES kind of 2/12 do you like people who don't care what others think? maybe a little not really YES NO 3/12 do you like people that dream big? not 1 good for nothing bit!! (NO!!!) toatly!! it's like way cool! slightly na 4/12 do you like people who laugh like.. a ton? Sounds like me (me:sweet!!) yes no a little ummm.. sure?? 5/12 do you like harry potter? yes it's ok sure!? no 6/12 a little bit of teaseing (spell?) ok? no! i hate geting picked on here and there..sure uhhh.. not really,but once in a great while yep! 7/12 is one direction hot? TOTALY!!! a little their fine if you mension them againg im leaveing!! 8/12 do you like taylor swift? grr...of coarse not!! mmm..sure?..not really! shes slightly cool yeah! 9/12 how about icarly sweet, i like some of them mm..naa no!! omg yes!! 10/12 so far what do you think, will you like, dislike, love or hate me?(i just descibed my person ality,and mension some of my likings) hate dislike like love 11/12 do you like twlight? no not really a little heck yes!! 12/12 once again like, love, dislike , or hate? Bye! like, bye? love, see ya later!! hate!! go to he-- (me: re-ally? ok then.) dislike, yep.