What Disney Fairy are U? What Disney Fairy are U?Take my quiz to find out and please comment and get alot of responses!If you do I WILL fan you! alwaysthebest published on December 05, 2012 Stacked 1/6 What's your fairy power? Tinker Fairy Animal Fairy Light Fairy Garden Fairy Water Fairy 2/6 What's your fav dress? Something long and curvy A nice dress that shows my legs A dress with flower-like petals One that I can move in,that's my fav A dress that shouts out-I'm on an adventure! 3/6 What kinda guys do you go for? Energetic Ones Cute Ones Creative Ones Bright Ones Sweet Ones 4/6 Where would you rather live? In a small shop covered with metal In a cave with cuddly animals In a lighting bug's home In a rose In a water slide 5/6 What do you like to do for fun? I like to tinker on the computer I like to make fireworks I like to go to the pool or beach I like to spend time with my pet I like to garden in my backyard 6/6 What's your fav color? Flutteriffic Green Fabulous Orange Flappy Yellow Fitting Red Flowing Blue