What pancake r u?

What pancake r u?

chocolate, strawberry, blueberry, banana, chocolate chip, or classic? find out which pancake u r!

published on December 04, 2012

You are invited to a party when you're grounded. What do you do?

You are invited to a party when you're grounded. What do you do?
try my best to sneak out with my friend
try to tell my friend (above) that we have to un-RSVP and shouldn't sneak out
beg my mom to go. if she says no, i'll just read a book
call my friend and tell them, "sorry, I'm grounded"
watch your fave movie and eat popcorn all night. it would be better than a stupid party
cry and sob then watch annoying orange on Youtube

Your friend gets selected for the lead in the school play, how do you react?

Your friend gets selected for the lead in the school play, how do you react?
give her a big thumbs up!
hug her and later on after school jump up and down and scream with joy
tell her actresses are overrated and flash an eye roll
tell her "break a leg! see u at the show"
text her "nice job" and plan to hang out over the weekend
don't talk to her for 2 weeks then later on say "hi! i heard you got the lead!"

It's valentine's day, and you find out your friend's crush has a crush on YOU... how do you break the news to her?

It's valentine's day, and you find out your friend's crush has a crush on YOU... how do you break the news to her?
tell her in a joke form it might make it less hard
write it in a sealed letter
email her
tell her face-to-face, even if she does get mad
dont tell her...oops. it slipped out
send her roses and cards signed as her crush so she'll think he likes her instead

Your friend broke their leg at gymnastics. What do you do?

Your friend broke their leg at gymnastics. What do you do?
Send them a "get well soon card signed by all their
crack a joke to make them feel better
make a list of reasons why they're cool
go to their house and help them decorate their cast in all different ways
tell them not to play as many sports as you do with the cast on
give them a gift card to go to a japanese resteraunt

Your friend is a HORRIBLE singer and is trying out for the talent show. You dont want her to get embarrassed, so you-

Your friend is a HORRIBLE singer and is trying out for the talent show. You dont want her to get embarrassed, so you-
tell her the judges are nasty, and might not choose her as the winner
just keep nodding your head and smiling, acting like she's good, then let the audience speak 4 themselves
tell her she's a bad singer and she will NEVER get better
make a joke about her voice and "accidentially" leak it on your facebook page
get her sick so she misses the show
YOU miss the show and listen to selena gomez on TV