What Jewel Girl are U? Jewel Girls are fun-loving girls that are my fav girls in the world!Their everything you could wish for and right now it's time for U to find out which one U are! alwaysthebest published on December 03, 2012 Stacked 1/14 It's raining!Men?What does your man look like? White skin,blonde hair Dark skin,brown hair Mixed skin,black skin 2/14 Your mom took you on a safari and you have a very big intrest on the: Gift Shop The Animals Fact I have 10 minutes to get outta there or I have to take the safari ride again!!! 3/14 All my Bff's have something in common and it's: Love intrest Persanolity Same friends 4/14 Bff's are defenietly very: Mean Cool Friend forever 5/14 So you've heard of Rainbow's!Magic,anyhow? I go to every magic show I can find,even if it's in Africa No,I have no idea what magic is I know what magic is but I don't truly beleive in it 6/14 SMILE!What is your smile like? It shows my teeth but it's a bit crooked I think my smile is how smiles are supposed to look like axcpet maybe shiner It dosen't show my teeth and it's perfect! 7/14 Who do U want? Someone pretty Someone smart Someone kind 8/14 You and your Bff's get to sing at a local concert but when one Bff has to drop out because of a leg injury who's the next person you hire? My sister-she's a great singer so I'll have a good performance My other Not-so-much Bff!Since I'm an only child she's the only person I can contact! My mom-she's young,looks like a teenager and has an OK voice 9/14 Hey!I'm hiding behind a tree!Notice me? No one ever really notices me(you know?) No I'm a really good hider Yes,but only because I'm peeking out from it 10/14 What one of these girls look more like you? 1st one 3rd one Other 11/14 Sparkles,sequins?What do you like on your dresses? Flowery Patterns Like you said-sparkles and sequins Ruffles!Rock! 12/14 What style do you like to wear your hair in? A short bob A simple ponytail and bow Two ponytails and a bow 13/14 Your at a field trip and in your group there are none of your friends!Where are U? Trying to see wat my friends are doing(I meant to say wat) All by myself Hanging with the teacher 14/14 Me and my friends accidentley wear the same dresses to a party.We quickly: Laugh and pretend we meant to do it Hide behind the DJ Go home and change into something completely different