what winter blue nose friend are you? hey guys it's soon christmas I have all my prezzies wraped up have you to get into the festive season i have made a new quiz about the winter bnf yippy ocean9 published on December 02, 2012 Stacked 1/8 fave food at christmas turky food pudd CAKE 2/8 oh no the turkys brnt what do you do cry eat it anyway i love alll types of turky you have some chicken in the fridge you use that think that you are stupid and don't have anything to eat 3/8 you have a christmas party what song do you play the most all i want for christmas is you away in a manger wish it could be christmas evry day bangarng it's not a christmas song but who cares 4/8 pick one 12356789 849654365 1010010 25 5/8 what time do you wake up on chriatmas day? one o'clock in the mornig. who dosen't? is it christmas? 6 ish i have to have turky!! 10 it's my lucky number!! 6/8 fave christmas colour red green gold silver 7/8 what did you give your friends this christmas i was skint so i didn't get them anything tube of sweets turcky!! pens from the 99p store 8/8 pick one o:) |oD :O* :0!