What type of friend are you >> When it come to you and your 4 favorite Gals where do you fit in? Take this Awsome quiz and find out !!!! Kissme published on December 02, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Crush !!!! I'll get over it in a few days Yuck!Never Wow I never felt this way before Let's go get em, 2/5 Music ,? Cher Lloyd , Chris brown , let's have fun!!! Demi , big Sean , 2chains , Selena Gomez School girlz , Madonna , trey songz No time but mabe meek millz 3/5 Saturday ! Great come on girls , let's Shop ! Movies and popcorn great ! Let's go to the field Six flags anyone ? 4/5 What's your favorite color Orange Purple Blue Pink!!! 5/5 Soccer try-outs what do you think Who cares I'm totally up for it No !!! I'll put that on my list