Sutton or Emma This is a personality quiz designed to determine wether you are like Sutton or Emma josh.boehm.7 published on November 29, 2012 Stacked 1/12 Would you date an ugly boy/girl with a great personality? no yes 2/12 would you leave your home without notice to find your long lost sister all the way across the country? no yes 3/12 do you require the newest gadgets like the new iphone? yes no 4/12 Would you rather spend your night partying, or would you rather stay at home and hang out with a few friends? Party! Hang out! 5/12 are you into super sexy guys with big muscles but a small personality? yes no 6/12 do you make time for people who seem alone? Or do you avoid them and avoid conflict? make time avoid them 7/12 if you had a free day how would you spend it? partying and out with friends hanging out with your family 8/12 high heels or sneakers? high heels sneakers 9/12 would you rather have a boyfriend you end up marrying or having tons of boyfriends until you find the right one? having tons having one 10/12 would you rather have the new electric car, or the new ferrari? Ferrari! Electric car! 11/12 would you rather be rich and have no bond with your family, or be poor and have the best friendships and connections with your family? be rich be poor 12/12 dress or sweats and sweatshirt? dress sweats and sweatshirt