what kind of cake you are? what kind of cake you are? find it out in this super ultra duper funny quiz. gretel.cineros published on November 28, 2012 Stacked 1/5 when somebody needs help you... you think options until somebody goes and helps "what's your problem? dont you see i'm alredy here?" "let's start from the beginig of troble, ow can i help?" i know what you need i tiny little hug! 2/5 your tv serie favorite character is... spongebob hannah montana box bunny pepe le puff 3/5 when you wake up in the morning your first thought comes in your mind is.... it's a great a day here we go again omg! what a polusion i need to hug someboy 4/5 your favorite color is... rainbow mark brown green pink 5/5 what present would you rather give? a pillow. a picture of mine a memebership card of green peace a big hug and a kiss!